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Keystone Awards salutes companies for creation of jobs, jobs, jobs

The launch of the Keystone Awards for Job Creation recognized dozens of private company employers selected from around Ottawa and the region. The inaugural event, presented by The Sutherland Investment Group at CIBC Wood Gundy, was held at the Canadian Tire Centre, attracting more than 250 attendees.


Canadian business

Why does Canada’s industrial policy favour Big Business over Main Street?

In many ways, current Canadian industrial policy favours the “too big to fail” over the “too small to see.” It's based on a view that larger enterprises and high-tech firms are the best route to producing well-paying jobs, maximizing return on investment and increasing government tax revenues.


News page (2)

Pardon my French — Cornwall speech at OEMC unapologetically pro-biz

The number of business owners in Canada is getting smaller, and that’s a big concern. Meanwhile, we’re up 418,000 public sector employees, government jobs, meaning the competition for talent and staff is even more challenging for business owners.


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Canada is slipping in terms of economic freedom

Canada, after decades as one of the top-10 economically freest places on earth, has fallen into the teens for two years running, according to the just-released 2021 Economic Freedom of the World report, raising concerns about a long-term trend away from freedom.


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